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Macular perforation
The central part of the macula is one of the most important parts of your eye (retina)The retina is a thin layer of light sensitive tissue that lies in the posterior part of the eye. Light radii are focused on the retina, and by that, the image becomes a nerve signal and sent to the brain to eventually be processed and understood in the image we see. The macula is part of the retina that is responsible for clear vision and color perception.How do macular holes develop?

Your eyes are stuffed with gel materials called vitreous that also cover the macula. With age, the vitreous jelly is dried and begins to separate from the macula. This process usually takes place and does not affect the macula. In some people, the vitreous gel is abnormally clinging to the macula and can not naturally separate from it. As a result, the macular tissue is stretched, and after a while, this elongation causes a hole in the macula.

In rare cases, however, eye injury or swollen macula may lead to macular hole.

What are the symptoms of macular hole?

In the early stages of creating a macular hole, the central view is blurred and distorted. At a more advanced stage, a blind spot appears in the center of vision and disturbs the vision. It should be noted that macular damage does not cause complete blindness, but the peripheral vision remains intact.

What tests will be done?

Your doctor will diagnose the disease. You may use the OCT photo to confirm the diagnosis and examination of the lesion. The OCT uses laser light rays and is very poorly designed to accurately capture structural details of the retina.

How is the macular hole treated?

Vitrectomy surgery is the most effective method for repairing the macular hole, which may also improve visual acuity. In this surgery, ultrasound tools are used to separate the vitreous from the macula. Then a special gas is injected into the eye. The bubble of this gas helps to strengthen the macula to complete the process of recovering macular hole.

The patient should lie in bed for one to two weeks after surgery in order to allow the gas bubble to come into contact with the macula. The way to observe the lining status plays a key role in the success of surgical site. The gas bubble will gradually be absorbed and destroyed within a few weeks.

As long as the gas bubble is not completely eliminated, it is prohibited to travel aerial or terrestrial to highlands because it causes gas expansion and dangerous intraocular pressure increase.

After surgery, you should expect a little pain in your eyes. Use of eye protection is required shortly after surgery. The doctor prescribes several types of eye drops. Ask your doctor about the timing of your daily routine.

With the gradual closure of the macular hole, some of the vision lost will return. The end result of vision depends on the size of the macular and chronic hole before surgery. The longer the macular hole is and the longer it is made, the less visible the postoperative. In no case after the operation, the amount of vision and its quality did not reach the eye level, which is the cause of this unrecoverable damage to the sensitive cells of the macular area. The visual impairment obtained with glasses and lenses and similar devices can not be compensated.