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Do I have cataracts?

Follow the steps in this text and check for items that apply to you. If you answer most of the questions below, you are likely to have cataract and should be treated as soon as possible.
Do not forget that delay in treating cataracts has many consequences and can lead to complete blindness of one or both eyes.

When driving the glare of light, the sun and the car’s headlight make me feel annoyed.

Due to lack of enough vision, I am not able to do my best in the best way.

Due to lack of enough vision, I can not do my favorite things (such as studying, watching TV, sewing, hiking, and walking).

I’m always worried about falling into the hand or the chalk.

I can not be completely independent and I always depend on someone else.

My current glasses are not able to improve my vision.

Reducing my visibility has caused a lot of trouble.

However, it should be noted that these symptoms may also be present in other eye diseases, so if these symptoms occur, you should consult the ophthalmologist for a definitive diagnosis.

Introduction and treatment of cataracts or cataracts

Age aging is always evident with signs such as hair whitening, facial wrinkles, and the appearance of certain diseases.

. Cataract disease (Cataract) is one of the most important of these. Cataracts can have a variety of effects on the visual acuity and, if left untreated, leads to blindness.

Undoubtedly entering the middle age can be an introduction to cataract disease. It usually appears as age rises, although ultraviolet rays of the sun, eye trauma, inflammation, rheumatism, the use of some drugs and congenital causes contribute to it, and smoking has a far greater effect.

For most people, the age range of 65-70 years is considered as the average time of the disease and its probability is predicted to be up to 50%, but from the age of 70 and above this chance increases and increases by 75%.

Cataract eye disease is a disease caused by the aging of the lens of the eye. In this case, a group of pathologic agents and tissue changes that occur in the cells will interact with each other to gradually appear. As a result of this phenomenon, the protein in the eye lens gradually accumulates and changes. The compression of the lens causes changes in its strength, and the patient quickly becomes close to the camera and occasionally

Post Cataract Care

In the previous issue, you became acquainted with the primary care after cataract surgery. Here are some more tips to let you know. Note that knowing this is not only for the patient who will be useful to his or her environment.
After surgery, there is no need to change the diet, and it’s best to use soft meals at the first hours after the operation. In addition, avoid constipation by eating the right amount of vegetables, fruits and water.
Usually, the day after surgery, the physician will explain the type and time of use of the drops. These drops include an anti-inflammatory drops to restore and reduce allergy to light and antibiotic drops to reduce the risk of infection.
Note Drugs and drops should be taken according to the physician’s instructions and carefully. Also, talk to your ophthalmologist about starting to take the medicine you used to.
How to use eye drops

Rinse your hands thoroughly.

Bend your head slightly back.

Drag the lower lip down.

Press the inner corner of the eye (the nose end) with the index finger, then drop it; this will prevent the droplet from entering the tear duct and passing through the nose.

Drops should be avoided without contacting the tip of the eye with eyes, eyelids or eyelids.

After dripping, close your eyes for 30 seconds, then blink.

After opening your eyes, dry your tears or uncoloured drops with a clean cloth.

If your doctor has prescribed more than one type of drops at the same time, they should be used within 5 minutes.

Postoperative examinations are recommended on the first and third days, the third or fourth week, the sixth month, and then once a year. Careful, depending on your eye condition, the ophthalmologist may recommend another exam.
Usually, in the first few weeks after surgery, the eye number is changing, so it’s best to look at the glasses score (especially the glasses of the study) after a few weeks.
A percentage of patients, especially those with preoperative astigmatism, need to wear glasses after surgery.

Follow the regular examinations after cataract surgery. During these visits, the ophthalmologist examines the surgical results and informs you about how your eye is treated.